• Craft Yourself a Sustainable Tech Career
    tags Tags: SheCoded, career

    This year marks my tenth anniversary of working in tech. Except for the odd 1-2 month break between jobs, I have been working full time in the past decade. I take immense pride in my career and my achievements, but the road has not been easy. When it comes to your career, the race is an ultra-marathon through the desert in cheap shoes, not a nice jog on a manicured lawn. Keeping a sustainable pace is the key to success. This post is a collection of lessons that I learned the hard way, which helped me stay consistent and show up another day. I hope they will also help you. 💐 Happy International Women's Day! 💐
  • All Gophers aboard! Deploying your first Go app to Railway 🛤️
    tags Tags: go, railway, code

    Railway is a modern PaaS solution that makes deploying code easier. I’ve had a bit of time to experiment with it and was keen to write up my findings for how it worked with Go projects. In this post, I explore the magic of its deployment mechanisms and demonstrate how to use GitHub Actions to deploy code to Railway. Spoiler alert - I loved learning about Railway and will be building with it more in the future!
  • Test-Driven Development in Go: principles and key concepts
    tags Tags: go, tdd, code

    I recently had the pleasure of discussing and demonstrating some of the key concepts of my "Test-Driven Development in Go" book on a live stream. This post summarises the main points covered by this 1hr coding session. Understanding these testing essentials will go a long way to helping you become a TDD practitioner. Read on to see why you should care about testing and TDD!
  • The Future of Code Week: Will Languages like Go and Rust Overtake their Legacy?
    tags Tags: go, talks

    In this post, I share some of my key thoughts from my LinkedIn Learning Future of Code Week episode discussing emerging languages. This session takes place on November 17th 2022. I was thrilled to be invited to share my thoughts with Marcus and Ray.
  • Nevertheless, Adelina coded
    tags Tags: SheCoded, career

    In this post, I share some of my tech story as part of the Dev.to SheCoded campaign, organised on the occasion of International Women's Day 2022. I won't be using names of individuals or companies in this retelling, but if you recognise yourself in the narrative, don't reach out to me with an explanation or justification. Just DO BETTER THAN YOU'VE BEEN DOING!
  • Tips for your DevRel interview
    tags Tags: career, interviews

    In this post, I share what I learned about interviewing for a DevRel role, as I think there are a lot of folks who think they can't achieve this role. This short list of Dos and Don'ts are really simple and easy to address. Make sure you follow them so you don't lose out on any great DevRel opportunities. Let's make the most of those interviews!
  • My 2021 nail art 💅
    tags Tags: fun

    As 2021 comes to an end today, it's important to take time to celebrate our wins and achievements throughout the year. I'm going to show you some of my nail designs that I'm most proud of. You might wonder why bother putting effort into nails? They chip, break and they're just nails. My answer is that I look at my hands all the live long day, so I want to look at a well presented manicure. After all, isn't it human nature to love things that aren't fated to last? Youth, beauty, flowers... NFTs and Web3 😆 Also, it's my blog and I'll put nails on it if I want to 💅 Let me take you on my epic journey in nail art!
  • I'm going to be a Technology Evangelist! 🤩
    tags Tags: career

    I'm super excited to share that I will be starting a new role as a Technology Evangelist at Form3 starting Monday, September 6th! It's such a dream come true to have this opportunity to pursue my passion and step into Developer Relations. In this post, I will share what this new move means to me.
  • Best Friends Forever(BFFs): Lambda and Go apps
    tags Tags: go, conferences

    My talk for GopherconEU 2021 is live on Youtube! Preparing for this conference has been such a wonderful learning experience. In this blog post, I will share some of my lessons learned about pitching, preparing and delivering my conference talk. I hope this will break down the process and encourage other newbie speakers to take on this journey. Let's get excited about public speaking!
  • Unit testing in Go
    tags Tags: go, code

    Unit testing is paramount to writing stable, production ready code. In this post, we will talk a bit about what unit tests should cover and table driven tests in Go. Let's make Go tests our best friends!
  • Go functions, closures and handlers
    tags Tags: go, code

    While Go is not a functional language, functions are a central part of Go. They can be assigned to variables, passed as parameters and returned from other functions. This is known as support for first class functions and it allows Go programmers to compose higher order functions and closures. Understanding these mechanisms can be a powerful addition to the tool belt of any programmer, so let's take some time to explore the behaviour of Go functions. Let's get functional and elegant!
  • Dealing with interview rejection
    tags Tags: career, interviews

    The tech industry has high turnover and attrition rates. Engineers get out on the job market more often and spend more time preparing for and going through interviews than other sectors. On the flip side, engineers also have to deal with more interview rejections. While it's always painful to be rejected or not achieve a goal we worked hard for, rejections are a great way to learn. In this post, I share some of my ways to deal with the bitter pill that is interview rejection. Let's turn that frown upside down! :)
  • A little more code review please!
    tags Tags: career

    Most of us working in software engineering can agree that code reviews are important and should be a priority, no matter how busy we get. However, I have seen my fair share of teams that have struggled to carry out their best code review intentions into sustained working process. In this post, I will discuss some code review best practices for both authors and reviewers, so that we can make the process as efficient and enjoyable as possible. A little less conversation, a little more code review please!
  • Why do you like Go?
    tags Tags: go, interviews, career

    I was asked this question - "Why do you like Go?" - during several job interviews. The question itself is not tough, but it is broad and full of opportunities to trip up. It's difficult to distill your thoughts into a coherent answer in a high pressure situation. I'm going to use this post to nail down an answer to this dreaded question. Let's Go!
  • Fighting new remote job fears
    tags Tags: remote, interviews

    I've recently gone through the process of getting a new remote job and I'm here to combat new job fears that I've experienced myself. The antidote? A mixture of interview questions to help you make informed decisions and actions to take after starting a new role to set you up for a successful onboarding and probation experience once you take the plunge. Have no fear, Adelina is here!
  • First post!
    tags Tags: intro, about

    This is my first post. Have a seat, let's get to know each other!